Complaint Input Parameters
- Complaint ID: The unique identifier for the complaint.
- Complainant Name: The name of the person filing the complaint.
- Contact Information: The contact details of the complainant (e.g., email, phone number).
- Complaint Date: The date when the complaint was filed.
- Complaint Type: The type or category of the complaint (e.g., product issue, service issue).
- Description: A detailed description of the complaint.
- Attachments: Any supporting documents or files related to the complaint.
- Priority: The priority level of the complaint (e.g., high, medium, low).
- Status: The current status of the complaint (e.g., open, in progress, resolved).
- Assigned To: The person or team responsible for handling the complaint.
- Resolution Date: The date by which the complaint is expected to be resolved.
- Comments: Any additional comments or notes related to the complaint.