Human Review, Approval, and Escalation Input Parameters
- Review ID: The unique identifier for the review.
- Reviewer: The person responsible for conducting the review.
- Review Date: The date when the review is conducted.
- Review Comments: Any comments or notes provided by the reviewer.
- Approval Status: The status of the approval (e.g., pending, approved, rejected).
- Approver: The person responsible for approving the review.
- Approval Date: The date when the approval is granted.
- Escalation Level: The level of escalation (e.g., first level, second level).
- Escalation Reason: The reason for escalating the review.
- Escalation Date: The date when the review is escalated.
- Escalation Comments: Any comments or notes related to the escalation.
- Attachments: Any supporting documents or files related to the review, approval, or escalation.